over the past few months i have been working on some lino prints. not for any particular project but just because. i had ideas that i had been thinking of for a while, that had just popped in to my brain really. this girl was from a book of old photos of the hebrides. this is just a trial of using a lighter blue than the print below. i prefer the lighter shade but have still to do a proper print. having no press, i have been experimenting with hand burnishing, with inconsistent success. however, using a water based ink proved to be a lot better. and i'm quite liking the almost communist aesthetics.

i'm not so keen on this one. though i do like how the hair turned out. less so, the face. it is also from the same book of photos as the above print . this was just a practice but i'm not sure whether to pursue it and print it properly.

this one really was for fun and to try out some different textures and techniques. i was really happy with the outcome.