not a great picture, but today we were able to put the catalogues together...completed. well, i still have more rubber bands to put around a few of them but they are together with all but one person making the deadline. the couple of people's work that was missing yesterday was put in today and we re-checked the rest and found a few errors that were then sorted out. through a majority vote, the price is set at 8 pounds - to be sold at the private view and the days following. i think it turned out to be a good design that met our needs as a quite disconnected group. and it wasn't too much extra work when we were all really busy and it cost very little to make. so in that respect, it has been a successful exercise. we gave one to the letterpress technician and have a few more to give out as well as receiving 3 each ourselves. the rest (which will be around 200) are for sale.