this week we had the Pagination exhibition at the Bear. we decided to just have a one night exhibition to cut down on costs and also make more of an event. carolina and i were there all day wednesday, as was keith who set up his piece in the centre of the room. we had some good feedback from people who came. all in all i think it went really well. a really valuable experience.
i experimented with placing different pieces across the room from each other. had some valuable feedback from that also, with people quite able to make connections between the two. i would have liked to have more time to expand my piece out of the corner more. but limitations with time and other commitments made that tricky. the corner piece could be more spaced out without losing the effect, so that is good to know. the ink drawings needed more space, so that more could be used - impact with numbers. but it was useful to experiment with these things and learn from it.
next shows are one at the funky monkey here in camberwell, then camberwell library, and then...the final show. preps going for that are all on track i think...